Idea Factory and Compile Heart’s crossover title Mega Miracle Force launched today in Japan, with some extra rewards thanks to a successful pre-register campaign. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
The game is a turn-based strategy RPG that revolves around attack types and skills, as well as Link Cards that can be equipped for stat increases. The game also features the player as an actual character in the story, traveling around with Neptune and Croire across time and space, and which involves a new dimension called “Goddimension”.
Thanks to the successful pre-register campaign, every player is getting a 3* copy of Gena Rose from Generations of Chaos, two small stamina potions, 600 Memory Gems, 1 Conqueror’s Ring, and 1 Conqueror’s Ring (Ultimate).
Check out the first 20 minutes of gameplay in the video below [Thanks, Saisoku Game Jouhou Channel on Youtube!]:
Mega Miracle Characters
Interestingly, “Hirotune”, the Mega Miracle Character that comes from a character fusion of Neptune and Hiro from Spectral Force, has been the only one shown so far, and now we know why: Mega Miracle Characters are set to be added one by one, and they are meant to be event rewards.
Mega Miracle Force is available today in Japan for iOS and Android.
Published: Jan 31, 2019 04:00 pm