Mobius Final Fantasy has hit a rather notable hallmark. The Apple iOS and Android game has passed the 8,888,888 registered user mark. To celebrate passing eight million registered users worldwide, Square Enix is holding an 8,888,888 Registered Users Worldwide Event from November 1-13, 2016.
Some of the Mobius Final Fantasy event items will be easy to acquire. There will be login rewards doled out over the next two weeks that provide people with a Growstar, Summon Tickets, and other rarities. Each day for this two weeks, you’ll also be able to summon an Ability Card without expending Magicite or Summon Tickets.
There are also two Mobius Final Fantasy contests to enter. A “8,888,888 Registered Users WORLDWIDE Event post will be up on its official Facebook page, and people who share that message with the note, “Congratulations to Mobius Final Fantasy for hitting 8,888,888 registered users worldwide!” will be entered to win memorabilia. Two people will be picked to get a Official Mobius Final Fantasy Concept Art Collection or autographed official Mobius Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack, while every player of the game will get 88 in-game Ability Tickets if that post is shared 8,888 times. There is also a November Memories of Mobius event where people can share their game memories on another official Facebook post. The story with the most likes will get an autographed Mobius Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack, the second place winner will get a stuffed moogle, and everyone will get three in-game crystals if this official post gets 3,888 likes and comments.
Mobius Final Fantasy is now available for Apple iOS and Android devices.
Published: Nov 1, 2016 09:00 am