It’s official, the game Capcom and Microsoft were teasing is a port of Monster Hunter Frontier Online. The Xbox 360 version is due in Japan this summer.
Along with Monster Hunter news we have release dates. Super Street Fighter IV is scheduled for April 28. Lost Planet 2 will thaw a month later on May 20. Dead Rising 2 has a vague we’ll get to this sometime this year window. While these dates are just for Japan, Capcom tends to launch major releases around the same time worldwide.
The other three games will be available for the PlayStation 3 and in the case of Dead Rising 2 PC, as well. However, Monster Hunter is one of Japan’s biggest franchises and now Microsoft has a stake of it. Will a PC to Xbox 360 port convince Japan to buy Xbox 360s this summer?
Update from Ishaan:
Capcom sent over a press release confirming their North American line-up for spring 2010. While Monster Hunter Tri still has a vague "April" time frame, they did announce dates for some of their other big games.
- Super Street Fighter IV will release on April 27 in North America and April 30th in Europe.
- Lost Planet 2 for the 360 and PS3 is locked down for May 18, 2010 in both North America and Europe.
- While they don’t have finalized release dates, Final Fight: Double Impact and Magic Sword were both confirmed for Spring on XBLA and PSN as well.
Published: Jan 26, 2010 12:22 am