Monster Hunter Rise Plush Toys for Aknosom, Great Izuchi, Tetranadon

Monster Hunter Rise Aknosom, Great Izuchi, and Tetranadon Plush Pre-orders Open

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

New Monster Hunter Rise merchandise is on the way and will include adorable plush toys of Aknosom, Great Izuchi, and Tetranadon. The stuffed animals and a new Monster Hunter Rise T-shirt are now available to pre-order via CharaDepa in Japan. [Thanks, 4Gamer.]

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The stuffed animals are based on three new monsters introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. They are the “Parasol Bird” Aknosom, the “Kamaitachi Wyvern” Great Izuchi, and the “Kappa Frog” Tetranadon. Pre-orders for the “Monster Hunter Rise Deformed Plushies” are available until January 22, 2021.

Aknosom Monster Hunter Plush

Great Izuchi Monster Hunter Plush

Tetranadon Monster Hunter Plush

The Aknosom, Great Izuchi, and Tetranadon plush toys measure 200mm overall. They cost 2,500 yen (~$24) each plus tax and will ship out in late May 2021.

New Monster Hunter Rise Monster Icon T-Shirts are also available to pre-order:

The 100% cotton T-shirts are available in navy blue and black. The available sizes are small, medium, large, and extra-large. The T-shirts cost 3,000 yen and are available to pre-order on CharaDepa until January 22, 2021. The T-shirts will ship out in late March 2021.

Monster Hunter Rise will release worldwide for the Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2021. A free demo is immediately available to check out until February 1, 2021. The demo includes items that you can take to the full game. There will also be new amiibo figures.

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