New FFVII Remake Enemy Concept Art Looks at the Scissorclaw

New FFVII Remake Enemy Concept Art Looks at the Scissorclaw

June 22th is Crab Day in Japan, and Square Enix celebrated with FFVII Remake enemy concept art looking at the Scissorclaw. This is a kind of crab enemy that appeared both in the original game and remake. It also featured screenshots showing Barret using his Steel Pincers weapons while fighting one.

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First, here’s the FFVII Remake concept art just showing the design direction for the enemy. It involves a a detailed look at its body from above and below. There’s also a picture of how the enemy looked in the original game at the bottom.
New FFVII Remake Enemy Concept Art Looks at the Scissorclaw

Next, here are the screenshots showing Barret dealing with a Scissorclaw in FFVII Remake. He’s using his Steel Pincers for the fight. (Square Enix’s official commentary says they are as strong as the crab’s claws.) People can get that weapon from Moggie in the Sector 5 Slums.

Finally, here’s the screenshot showing how the enemy looked in the original game.
Square Enix

The last time Square Enix shared art from FFVII Remake, it involved the Banora White apple juice promotional materials.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is available on the PlayStation 4, while FFVII Remake Intergrade is available on the PlayStation 5 and PC via Epic Games Store and Steam. The Crisis Core FFVII Reunion remaster will appear on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC in Winter 2022.

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