No love for Japan or Microsoft listens to microtransaction criticism

This article is over 17 years old and may contain outdated information

Few things have heated Xbox debate than the use of microtransactions. The fuel was added to the fire when Microsoft announced that Lumines Live would be sold in pieces instead of a “complete” game. Gamers raised their concerns and complaints and guess what Microsoft listened. To compensate for the Lumines Live mess they released the Heavenly Star skin for free and reduced the price of the Vs. CPU / Puzzle Pack to a mere 100 points ($1.20!). Lumines Live is just getting ready for its release in Japan on Wednesday March 7, but with none of the discounts that North American gamers got. The Vs. CPU / Puzzle Pack is being sold for 300 points and if you want the Heavenly Star skin pony up an extra 150. Why? It’s either there is no love for Japan or gamers there need to complain more. After the Aquazone fiasco where each extra virtual fish required real world money and the lack of any discounts that other gamers got around the world Japanese Xbox 360 owners have every reason to.

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