Atlus USA shared the latest video for Persona 5 showing the RPG’s DLC costumes from Catherine for the protagonist, Ryuji, Anne, and Morgana.
Dress the #Persona5 Protagonist up as Vincent, from Catherine as part of the costume DLC. DLC pricing and schedule will be announced later.
— Atlus U.S.A., Inc. (@AtlusUSA) January 23, 2017
The video shows Persona 5 protagonist dressed as Vincent Brooks, Anne as Catherine, Ryuji as Orlando Haddick, and Morgana in a sheep costume.
You can also check out the video Atlus released for the DLC in Japan back in October below:
好評配信中の『キャサリン コスチューム&BGMスペシャルセット』の紹介動画を公開だ! #ペルソナ5
※DLCセット内容の衣装・BGM・ジングルをご紹介する動画です。より解りやすくセット内容をお伝えするため、ゲーム本編よりBGMやジングルの音を強調した内容になっております※— モルガナ_ペルソナ広報 (@p_kouhou) October 22, 2016
Persona 5 releases in North America and Europe on April 4, 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. The Catherine DLC’s pricing and schedule will be announced later.
Published: Jan 23, 2017 03:30 pm