In addition to Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii Play and Red Steel the European Wii launch line up is complimented by budget games from System 3. Compliment is a stretch since I doubt that Super Fruitfall is going to be a system seller, but Gottlieb Pinball Classics might be interesting. In North America the game is already out for the PS2 and it is at the bottom of video game bargain bins. The Wii version doesn’t look that much different, but what if the game had motion sensitive controls. The nunchuk can control one flipper and the remote can move the other. Imagine swatting a pinball with the Wiimote or rocking both sticks to replicate tilting a machine. That’s probably too hopeful for a budget game, but System 3 must have some kind of Wii control scheme. Just what could it be?
Published: Nov 26, 2006 09:48 am