The Pokemon series experienced a decent, but modest, year in 2023 with Scarlet and Violet and their DLC, some events, Pokemon Sleep, Detective Pikachu Returns, and updates for existing titles. As we look ahead to the future, here are the Pokemon games from new titles to ports to remakes we hope to see this year in 2024.

Pokemon Games We Want in 2024: Gens 1-3
With the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance Nintendo Switch Online libraries available, it is high time for the first three generations of Pokemon games to be available on Switch. The first two generations came out on 3DS, so it is time for their arrival on Switch alongside Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
Alternatively, if The Pokemon Company wants extra cash, they can sell them separately in the eShop. Regardless, this feels like such an easy win for everyone from the players to the company. Plus, giving these retro titles modern compatibility with Pokemon Home would be phenomenal.

A New Mystery Dungeon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX did decently well on Switch. It amassed at least two million copies sold and may have even claimed the number one spot in the spin-off series. However, it’s a remake. The last time players saw a new game in the series was Super Mystery Dungeon for 3DS in 2015. A new entry with excellent graphics and the largest roster up to at least Gen 8 or possibly even Gen 9 would be fantastic.

Remasters Like Pokemon Conquest
Remasters feel like another easy way to keep the series alive in 2024 and still be successful. There are a few games I’d like to see get a second lease on life, such as Pokemon Conquest. It plays super well for a tactical RPG but the dated DS graphics hurt it. XD Gale of Darkness is basically like a home console RPG so it would be nice to return to the Orre region.

Pokken Tournament 2
Pokken Tournament feels like such a smooth and gorgeous Pokemon fighting game from Bandai Namco. With series like Super Smash Bros. seemingly on hiatus for now, this feels like the right time for a sequel. The original came out in arcades in 2015, for Wii U in 2016, and Switch in 2017. 2024 feels like the right year for a Pokken Tournament 2 with a better story mode and loads of new Pokemon from the last few generations.

Pokemon Black 3 & White 3
Given the usual development cycle of new Pokemon generations, it seems Generation 10 is a couple of years away. That said, a new core title or remake could make up for this gap in 2024. Gen 4 remakes are already here, so it makes sense to shift to Gen 5. Black & White remakes could work, but I’d like to see Game Freak try something surprising again.
Just like Black 2 & White 2 surprised us in 2012, it would be nice to see a third set of games set many years later. It could distance itself enough from the previous two games to welcome newcomers, while still having some familiar faces show up in the Unova region for existing Gen 5 lovers. The Indigo Disk DLC even seems to hint at something Gen 5 in the near future with its location in the Unova region itself and characters like Lacey.
Related: The Best Pokemon Games Of All Time – Ranked on Attack of the Fanboy
Published: Dec 28, 2023 09:00 am