Pokemon Terrarium Collection Relaxing Time featuring relax scenes
Image courtesy of Rement

Pokemon Terrarium Collection Relaxing Time Comes in November

Re-Ment revealed that it will release a new Terrarium collection featuring relaxing Pokemon. The Pokemon Terrarium Collection Relaxing Time will appear in Japanese stores in late November 2024.

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The lineup will consist of six sets, and each of them will be available for purchase separately at 1,320 yen (~$9.15). Psyduck, Slowpoke, and Munchlax will be some of the Pokemon that appear in the sets.

In the full product list, Re-Ment mentioned the Pokemon with their official Japanese names. Their English names are available to view right below:

  1. Koduck – a.k.a. Psyduck
  2. Nuoh and Dooh – a.k.a. Quagsire and Clodsire
  3. Nuckrar – a.k.a. Trapinch
  4. Yadon – a.k.a. Slowpoke
  5. Numera – a.k.a. Goomy
  6. Yabukuron and Gonbe – a.k.a. Trubbish and Munchlax
Pokemon Terrarium Collection Relaxing Time full list
Image courtesy of Rement

Re-Ment’s official announcement tweet for the new merchandise collection is also available to view right below:


The Pokemon franchise has been getting numerous merchandise from companies inside and outside Japan. Gelato Pique released new Pokemon Sleep-themed sleepwear and related items in July 2024, while McDonald’s Japan will sell more Pokemon Happy Meal toys in August 2024. Meanwhile, Build-a-Bear has also released a new Fuecoco plush in the US and UK in July 2024.

The new Pokemon Terrariums will also add another entry to Re-Ment’s lineup of merchandise based on Nintendo-related IPs. The company had previously released Kirby Wonder Room dioramas in Japan in February 2024.

The Pokemon Terrarium Collection Relaxing Time items will be available in Japan on November 25, 2024.

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Image of Kite Stenbuck
Kite Stenbuck
Japanese News Translator
Kite is a Japanese translator and avid gamer from Indonesia, Southeast Asia who learned the language mostly by playing Japanese games from the PS1 era. He primarily translates news about Japanese games and anime straight from Japan. After initially starting with a focus on Dynasty Warriors communities from the mid-2000s, he eventually joined Siliconera in 2020. Other than Dynasty Warriors, Kite is also a big fan of Ace Combat and other games featuring mechs, especially Gundam.