The Pokémon Company celebrated the opening of a Pokémon Center in Hiroshima with a Red Gyarados distribution event that began on June 26th.
The rare Pokémon, which made its debut in Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver, is being distributed to anyone who visits a Pokémon Center with a copy of Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire or Pokémon Omega Ruby.
Attendees are also be able to participate in an “all you can catch!” Magikarp event, inspired by a common festival activity for children in which they catch (and release of they wish!) goldfish or koi fish for a small price.
Players can download Magikarp as many times as they’d like, and encourages players to trade with other trainers. The company also jokes that players can expect the Global Trading System to be full of Magikarp before the event ends on August 31st.
Published: Jun 29, 2015 06:28 pm