After checking out Pump it Up NX, I’ve been searching for more home ports of Pump. So far the only Pump it Up console game where you can jump around on a mat is Pump it Up Exceed for the PS2/Xbox. The PSP has seen a release of Pump it Up Exceed and news to me is Pump it Up Zero, which seems logically based off the arcade machine of the same name. The only place that has information about it is in English is Play-Asia who claims it has 111 songs. Sweet. But like the other Pump it Up PSP game it’s going to be all button pushing with no dancing. That's too bad. The five panel dance mat is really a double edged sword for the Pump series. If Pump used a standard DDR mat it would probably have more console ports, but the unique mat is what makes Pump stand out.
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Published: Aug 6, 2007 03:51 pm