Kanji no Owari is a mobile Kanji memorization game from Sekai Project seeking votes on Steam Greenlight for a PC release. According to the publisher, it “is a Japanese language learning game that helps the players in memorizing Hiragana, Katakana, and JLPT Kanji characters” by helping them “enhance their familiarization and comprehension of Japanese characters on sight.”
In Kanji no Owari, each player’s knowledge is tested in battles where their character can attack enemies as questions are answered correctly. Whenever incorrect responses are given, the player’s character takes damage. As the player’s ability to recognize Japanese characters advances, their character can progress through the game accordingly.
As Siliconera previously reported, Kanji no Owari can currently be played on the go via an Android mobile version with an iOS version coming soon. Players with Android devices can try out the learning game for free courtesy of the demo on Google Play.
Correction: The original report listed the iOS version of the game as currently available; however, it is still pending release due to technical issues. This has been rectified.
Published: Sep 10, 2016 11:30 am