Sanrio announced an upcoming collaboration with Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon in commemoration of the series’s 30th anniversary. The collaboration will feature six Sanrio mascots dressing up and posing alongside the Senshi. Products will launch in Summer 2022. [Thanks, Famitsu!] The Sanrio Sailor Moon pair-ups are:
- Hello Kitty x Sailor Moon
- My Melody x Sailor Chibi Moon
- Cinnamoroll x Sailor Mercury
- Kuromi x Sailor Mars
- Marroncream x Sailor Jupiter
- Pom Pom Purin x Sailor Venus
This collaboration is actually one with the
Sailor Moon Eternal movies. Both parts of the movie came out in 2021. The first part aired on January 8, 2021, while the second part debuted on February 11, 2021.
Eternal focused on the “Dream” arc, and is a direct sequel to the
Crystal anime series. According to the article, the concept behind the project is “bringing together everyone’s hopes and dreams.” If you don’t get along with your friends, then in the name of the moon, they’ll punish you. Sanrio is not the only company that will release goods for the
Sailor Moon 30th anniversary and
Eternal movie. For example, according to the
Sailor Moon website, companies such as
Anna Sui, and
Maison de FLEUR will also have limited merchandise. More information on particular products will appear in the near future. The Sanrio
Sailor Moon collaboration will commence in Summer 2022.
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Published: Jan 22, 2022 05:00 pm