Senran Kagura 7even Will Be Vastly Different From Originally Planned; Takaki On Future Platform Options

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Senran Kagura series producer Kenichiro Takaki previously talked Senran Kagura 7even progress, censorship, and regulations. He followed up with more on the subject in an interview with Inside Games.


Inside Games: Last year during a Peach Ball broadcast, there was a moment where things got too sexy and the broadcast was shut down, but did you expect that from the start? And what were your thoughts on that?

Kenichiro Takaki: “We did try to be careful not to get banned, but ended up getting banned in the end… which really isn’t good, but it made me a little happy [laughs]. When we got the ban people on Twitter were like ‘they got banned lol’ so then others were like ‘what, what?’ and then the viewer count for the side that didn’t get banned over at NicoNico went up a lot [laughs].”


Do you plan to develop the next new Senran Kagura series game for Switch?

Kenichiro Takaki: “I can’t say anything concrete for now, but yeah, there’s a good chance.”


You previously mentioned in an interview that a new Senran Kagura game is in development for PS4, but things have been strict with regulations towards sexy expressions on PS4. That said, can you tell us your thoughts on this situation?

Kenichiro Takaki: “The regulation movement isn’t restricted to PlayStation, but it’s been spreading across all platforms, all genres, around the world, and I was expecting a time like this would come someday. However, it ended up coming sooner than I expected, and I find myself suddenly wondering what to do.”


So based on what you said, does that mean Senran Kagura 7even’s finished version will be vastly different from the original idea?

Kenichiro Takaki: “That’s right, we probably wouldn’t be able to release it with its original idea, but we’re not restarting everything, just thinking things over.”


Do you have any plans to release Senran Kagura 7even as two versions under different age ratings?

Kenichiro Takaki: “I haven’t thought about splitting it into two. [Thinks] … it’s tough.”


Compared to PS4, it feels like Steam is more lenient towards sexy elements, so if things keep getting worse for PS4 is there a chance you move to PC instead?

Kenichiro Takaki: “It isn’t impossible. However, if we only go with PC then I think it’d be pretty tough, as a genre. It is niche, after all. PCs are full of realistic shooters… hmm, well if it works I’d go for it.”


Senran Kagura 7even is in development for PlayStation 4.

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