Shh.. Don’t Tell Anyone, But We Found A Tales Of Xillia Trademark

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Tales of Graces f has been out in North America for about a week and it appears Namco Bandai already has plans to localize the next game in the series. Siliconera found a trademark for Tales of Xillia in Europe’s trademark database. Yes, we realize Tales of Graces f isn’t available in PAL territories.


Tales of Xillia came out for PlayStation 3 last year in Japan. The game follows two lead characters, doctor-in-training Jude Mathis and spirit user Milla Maxwell, created by Tales artists Kosuke Fujishima and Mutsumi Inomata. Namco Bandai said they are looking to bring over more Tales titles beyond Graces f and Abyss, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed that this is more than a protective trademark.




P.S. Tales fans we have a surprise coming up soon! (No, we’re not teasing a Xillia announcement.)

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