There are all kinds of off the wall photos and half written stories in the Siliconera vault that never make it on the front page. After browsing through the archives I decided that some of them need to be published in a Director's cut format. Enter Siliconera Stash, a smrogasboard of behind the scenes photos, shaky-cam videos and unfinished articles with some pre-text to explain what's going on. The stuff you will find here is lighthearted, maybe comparable to extra features on a DVD.
One of the few places where Pictochat is actually useful is at E3. Each year before the Nintendo press conference gamers take out their DSes shout wild predictions of what Nintendo may say and draw not safe work pictures. I took a bunch of (terribly blurry) pictures from the Pictochat conversation at E3 2007. Keep in mind this is before we found out about Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii and Nintendo's announcements. See what people were saying and what journalists draw in this edition of Siliconera Stash.
Published: Aug 12, 2007 06:32 pm