Splatoon 2’s Version 4.4.0 update is now available, changing some of the weapons’ abilities, specials, and more. In particular, Kelp Dome has seen some terrain adjustments.
Here are the patch notes from Nintendo:
Version 4.4.0
Changes to Multiplayer
- Changes have been made to the terrain in the following stages:
Stage Change
Kelp Dome
- Terrain adjustments made in all modes.
- Changed specific terrain in Splat Zones mode.
- Added a slope to the box-shaped feature directly in front of the spawn points.
- Changed specific terrain in Tower Control, Rainmaker, and Clam Blitz ranked battle modes.
- Changed terrain to the left of the spawn points.
- Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed.
Weapon Change
Weapon Name | Change |
Sploosh-o-matic Neo Sploosh-o-matic |
Splattershot Jr. Custom Splattershot Jr. Kensa Splattershot Jr. |
Splash-o-matic Neo Splash-o-matic |
Aerospray MG Aerospray RG |
Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Kensa Splattershot Hero Shot Replica Octo Shot Replica |
.52 Gal .52 Gal Deco Kensa .52 Gal |
N-ZAP ’85 N-ZAP ’89 |
Splattershot Pro Forge Splattershot Pro Kensa Splattershot Pro |
.96 Gal .96 Gal Deco |
Jet Squelcher Custom Jet Squelcher | |
L-3 Nozzlenose L-3 Nozzlenose D Kensa L-3 Nozzlenose |
Flingza Roller Foil Flingza Roller |
Classic Squiffer New Squiffer |
E-liter 4K Custom E-liter 4K |
E-liter 4K Scope Custom E-liter 4K Scope |
Undercover Brella Undercover Sorella Brella Kensa Undercover Brella |
Ballpoint Splatling Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau | |
Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Kensa Splat Dualies Hero Dualie Replicas | |
Specifications for some of the special weapons have been changed.
Special Weapon Change
Tenta Missiles
- Reduced time after all missiles have been launched until the next action can be taken by roughly 15/60 of a second.
Booyah Bomb
- Decreased duration of the bomb’s explosion after it lands by roughly 30/60 of a second.
- Increased the speed at which the explosion expands after the bomb lands.
- Size of the bomb’s explosion remains unchanged despite the two adjustments above.
- Increased damage by roughly 32%.
- Slightly increased area of ink covered by the bomb’s explosion.
- Ground beneath the bomb thrower’s feet is now inkable after the bomb has been thrown.
- Extended time that the bomb thrower’s armor remains active after the bomb has been thrown by roughly 15/60 of a second.
Ultra Stamp
- Improved speed of movement and rotation while pressing and holding ZR to swing the stamp repeatedly.
- Increased minimum damage dealt by the shockwave created when swinging the stamp repeatedly by holding down ZR from 30.0 to 40.0.
- While swinging the stamp repeatedly, opponent shots and Splat Bombs near it during a downswing will now be canceled.
- Decreased amount of time after performing a swing with the stamp in midair until you can begin swinging repeatedly by roughly 4/60 of second.
Specifications for certain gear abilities have been changed.
Gear Ability Change
Ink Resistance Up
- Increased time before starting to take damage after stepping in enemy ink.
- Time increased by 9/60 of a second with maximum number of Ink Resistance Up gear abilities equipped.
- Points required for using specials have been changed for certain main weapons.
H-3 Nozzlenose D: 200 –> 210
Kensa Sloshing Machine: 170 –> 190
Explosher: 200 –> 210
Custom Explosher: 190 –> 200
Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau: 200 –> 230
Changes to Ranked Battle
- Fixed an issue on The Reef where players from different teams would land in different locations when super jumping to a spot near a certain sponge.
- Fixed an issue on Piranha Pit in which the ground beneath a player throwing out a Booyah Bomb would not be inked while standing between a conveyor belt and another piece of terrain.
- Fixed an issue occurring during Rainmaker matches on Blackbelly Skatepark where placing an Ink Mine in a certain spot on the slopes added for this mode caused it to explode immediately.
- Fixed an issue on Camp Triggerfish where super jumping from a specific location and then activating a Booyah Bomb when landing caused the player to be hurled outside the bounds of the stage.
- Fixed an issue on Port Mackerel causing players to mistakenly clip into stage terrain when dodge rolling near the sponges in the center of the stage.
- Fixed an issue on Wahoo World causing the jump marker for super jumps to enter into the stage terrain when the player landed in a specific location in the stage.
- Fixed an issue on Wahoo World causing players activating a Booyah Bomb near the rotating central platform to be pushed by the platform inside a piece of stage terrain.
- Fixed an issue occurring when a certain number of Swim Speed Up gear abilities were equipped, causing movement speed and swim speed when not attacking to be faster with a “slow” movement speed weapon equipped than with a “standard” movement speed weapon equipped.
- The Splattershot and .52 Gal are examples of “standard” weapons, while the Dynamo Roller and E-liter 4K are examples of “slow” weapons.
- Fixed an issue causing two players moving in squid form and doubled up on each other for long enough to become stuck.
- Fixed an issue occurring after activating the Sting Ray, causing silhouettes of opponents to disappear suddenly after beginning to attack with ZR.
- Fixed an issue occurring with weapons like the Mini Splatling where the effects of the Run Speed Up gear ability are easily noticeable, causing players with this equipment to run faster than intended while charging a shot with the Rainmaker.
- Fixed an issue causing opponents using Dualie weapons to appear to move instantly to another location if they dodge rolled just as you landed from a super jump.
Changes to Salmon Run
- Fixed an issue preventing players using a Cannon from being able to hit groups of tightly packed enemies correctly.
- Fixed an issue on Marooner’s Bay causing players to clip into stage terrain when sandwiched between a propeller lift and a Scrapper.
Other Changes
- Fixed an issue causing the shoulder strap of a player’s ink tank to disappear after being splatted by an opponent or falling into water.
- Fixed an issue occurring in Clam Blitz while throwing clams, causing the red line on a player’s ink tank (which indicates the ink required to use the equipped sub weapon) to mistakenly appear in the lowest possible position.
Splatoon 2 is available for Nintendo Switch.
Published: Jan 30, 2019 03:00 pm