Super Robot Taisen BX is the latest installment from the series that will be on the Nintendo 3DS. We previously got a look at some of the mecha in the previous trailer, and this one is an extended “version 1.5” of it with more action.
The video shows us some of the mechs and Gundams we’ve seen before, but they also add some more with a look at the Unicorn Gundam, and others from the various participating series that we’ll see in the game.
Additionally, Super Robot Taisen currently has a pre-order bonus campaign that’s been going on, and it’s currently on its second to last tier, with just a little more to go for players to get all bonuses. You can read our earlier report to catch up on that.
Super Robot Taisen BX is slated for release in Japan on August 20, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.
Published: Jun 22, 2015 02:20 am