Super Robot Wars DD Introduces Original Characters; Passes 100,000 Pre-Registrations

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Bandai Namco revealed on Twitter recently that Super Robot Wars smartphone title Super Robot Wars DD has crossed 100,000 pre-registrations. They have also begun to introduce the main original characters of the game via Twitter.


With the number of pre-registrations crossing the pre-registration campaign’s largest milestone, every player will be able to receive an SSR unit part for the main heroine, Meg.



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Designed by: Masami Obari

A giant humanoid weapon discovered in the alien ship Elezard that was found in a giant cavern underneath the ice at the South Pole. It’s got a power source capable of high energy output, and seems to excel at combat, but its other capabilities have not been fully analyzed yet.


Dido (CV: Yohei Azakami)

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Designed by: Suzuhito Yasuda

A teenager who is the key to the mystery surrounding Daedalion. He seems cold usually, but has a powerful fighting spirit. He usually avoids interacting with others, but seems to have opened up somewhat to Megu, who’s basically his surveillant.


Super Robot Wars DD launches in Japan for iOS and Android in 2019.

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