Bandai Namco shared a new video showcasing a web-exclusive special chat between Tales of Berseria protagonist Velvet and the mage Magilou, who share a little bit about what’s to come.
The video starts out with Magilou deep in thought, asking Velvet what does it like to feel “hateful,” as she wonders how difficult it must be along with its struggles. However, this gets interrupted when Velvet appears asking “did you call?”
Velvet wonders what Magilou has been muttering about, to which the mage responds by saying “I’m practicing for the release of that main event. Velvet basically asks “and what exactly is that?” which Magilou tries giving hints of Berseria’s title by saying it starts with “Be.”
After taking a crack at it with “Bacon” and “Camembert cheese,” Magilou expresses her worry about how Velvet might not be fit to be the first solo female protagonist character for the series that has a history of over 20 years.
Velvet responds with “who knows, you’ll have to see for yourself by actually playing the game. An RPG that is meant for you to live the way you want—Tales of Berseria.”
They then go on about how you should pre-order the game because it’ll come with some sweet pre-order bonuses as part of the campaign. The first bonus is a talk with the voice talent behind the game, and the second is a sound data bonus featuring three BGM for the game, and the third bonus will be revealed in early-June. Players will need to pre-order by July 11 in order to get the three bonuses.
Tales of Berseria will release in Japan on August 18, 2016 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC. The game will release in early-2017 for the West.
Published: May 11, 2016 02:00 am