Tales Of Xillia 2 Demo Survey Reveals Dungeons And Shadow District Dvor

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

Famitsu has a survey asking Tales of fans in Japan which scenario they will like to play as a demo. So, the good news is there will be a demo, the bad news is international fans probably won’t get to vote. Oh well, at least we have some new details about the areas in Tales of Xillia 2.

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The first possible demo takes place in the Askold Food Factory. Ludger will sneak into Askold to free a captured spirit powering the facility. Players will be able to explore this area, fight security guards, and have to navigate through a security system. The demo will have a dungeon to explore leading up to a boss fight with a certain person.


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In second possible demo and you’ll get to explore Shadow District in Dvor. Ludger is trying to get back to his hometown, Triglav, but he’s blocked because of he’s severely in debt. Players will have to earn gald through quests and fighting monsters on the field. You can pay Nova, Ludger’s classmate back, to open a route back to Triglav. Famitsu says this demo will have a Gigant Monster to fight and you may be able to see someone connected to the story.


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Famitsu also confirms Tales of Xillia 2 will have the attachment system, which lets players decorate characters with accessories. Tales of Xillia 2 has soundproof headphones, Elle’s bag, Julius’ glasses, monster head, and afro hair.

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