Namco Bandai will bring a Tales of Xillia 2 demo to Tokyo Game Show and it starts with a choice. Do you want Jude or Millia in your party? Both Tales of Xillia leads are in Tales of Xillia 2 and the decision won’t impact the story, just the Link Artes you can test out. Alvin and Elise are also in Ludger’s group.
The Tales of Xillia 2 demo is a slice from the main story and starts with an event scene featuring an important person from Tales of Xillia. This mysterious figure says people who shouldn’t exist in the real world can exist in another world.
Then the demo switches to a dungeon where you have to break into Askold Food Factory’s security system and defeat their guards to find where a great spirit is hiding. Namco Bandai designed this dungeon with different gimmicks and none of them will be in the demo. Why? The team decided to trim down the demo so players can go through it and defeat a boss within the 10 minute time limit.
In battle, you can try out Tales of Xillia 2’s Link Artes by picking a partner character and use Ludger’s transformation ability (L3 + R3) when a gauge is full. This brings all of the enemies to a different dimension where parameters like Ludger’s HP, AP, and TP are ignored.
Players can also try out the attachment system by giving Ludger glasses and an Elu backpack. These items stay on during battles and event scenes. The Tales of Xillia 2 demo also has party chat skits, little scenes where you get to to know the cast of characters better.
Published: Sep 17, 2012 01:20 am