Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has shared a few glimpses of Mistwalker’s upcoming smartphone game, Terra Battle, which even has its own version of Bahamut. In a short interview with Famitsu magazine, he shared a few more details on the game.
According to Sakaguchi, the game is currently in its final stage of development, and they just have a few more touch-ups to go until it’s complete. It was originally announced for a September release, but it has since then been pushed back to October that the team has more time to make adjustments.
When asked about his feelings about the reveal for the game, Sakaguchi stated that since they only showed the title and an illustration, he doesn’t expect fans to be as excited, and he’s a little nervous to find out for himself on how fans must feel.
However, he says that sometime in August, they will reveal more information, along with a a special trailer that will be shown in a style they’ve yet to try, and from there, he’ll be more curious about the reaction from fans.
Finally, Famitsu asks if he could share a little more details on any of the monsters in the game.
“You can become allies with Bahamut!” exlcaims Sakaguchi. “And he’s quite the tough one. We’re preparing a special dungeon, so look forward to taking him on there!”
Terra Battle will launch worldwide in October.
Published: Aug 17, 2014 09:31 am