Even Renya the God can’t withstand poisonous floors or walk on lava. The dungeons in The God and Fate Revolution Paradox are full of various happenings and surprises.
Players should always be careful while exploring dungeons, as they have many different set ups. Some may provide players with riches, while others can be an enemy ambush just waiting to happen.
A good looking fruit dropped from the nearby tree, boosting the player’s stats, only to have it rot and become a poisonous hazard.
Knockback attacks can also hit players off the map, as shown above.
Some floors are covered in lava and will require specific means in order to advance.
Sometimes enemy ambushes. However, with a simple God Mode activation, they can easily be wiped out in exchange for nice loot!
We’ve seen a few of the many dangers awaiting Renya and his angels in these dungeons, but there are also some rare and helpful floors.
There are floors with vendors selling goods, which players can actually steal from if they don’t feel like paying. However, be prepared to face the consequences, as even gods are still required to go by the rules.
You may get lucky and run into a room full of golden treasure monsters. They will give you a vast amount of experience points as a reward.
Some rooms will help you revive your angel buddies.
… And of course it wouldn’t be a dungeon without boss floors!
This boss uses magical books to attack Renya. They must be destroyed quick, otherwise powerful spells will be cast upon our hero! There will be many bosses that come in different shapes and sizes, all unique as the dungeons they dwell in.
The God and Fate Revolution Paradox is slated to be released for PlayStation 3 on January 24, 2013.
Published: Jan 11, 2013 06:37 pm