While Q? Entertainment announced this game almost a year ago few details have been shown about Every Extend Extra. The game is based off of a PC game and has enhanced graphics over its predecessor. Instead of drab grey backgrounds and an orange ship, Every Extend Extra has neon colored worlds and blaring techno music. The game is pretty much the same as Every Extend. You pilot a ship that floats around the world and can self detonate at anytime. When you blow up surrounding enemies will also explode and they can be chained into a long combo. Every Extend introduces something new, a bomb. When you launch a bomb your ship moves slower, which makes it harder to evade shots on screen. However, a well timed bomb means two detonation points and if used correctly an even larger combo. Like Mizuguchi’s other games Every Extend Extra focuses on its soundtrack. We heard that later on in the game combos will synchronize with the in game music.
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Published: May 11, 2006 01:52 am