Nintendo, with the help of Magical Starsign developer Brownie Brown, is making a DSiWare game starring a coin collecting kappa.
In Kappa Michi (Kappa Road) players draw a trail for their kappa to walk on with the stylus. The kappa follows the path unless you tap the scissors icon in the top right to make him stop. You’ll need to do that to stop kappa from walking into enemies and pits. Kappa’s most dangerous enemy is a floating demon hand. If it grabs hold of him the game ends.
On paper, Kappa Michi sounds basic, but the videos look neat. Compared to other DSiWare “games” like the Mario Calculator and Birds & Beans its brilliant. Kappa Michi is slated to be on DSiWare in Japan on December 9 for 500 DSiWare points ($5). No word if Nintendo of America will pick this up yet.
Published: Dec 7, 2009 02:48 pm