Following in the footsteps of Bayonetta, Platinum Games created a casual automatic level of difficulty for Vanquish. Shinji Mikami, Director, recommends normal, but casual auto was created to make Vanquish more accessible. And, in the words of Mikami, it’s surprisingly fun.
“Before we started work on it, I can’t say that I had high hopes; however, once we got it up and running, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was wrong. Once you get your target on the enemy, the rest is easy as pie. I’m sure saying it that way makes it sound totally uninteresting, but when you actually give it a shot, the tempo it gives the game play will make you jump up and say, ‘Woohoo!’,” Mikami blogged.
Don’t worry Vanquish has something for third person shooter pros and God Hand fans. Masochists can unlock and play Vanquish in God Hard mode.
Published: Jul 28, 2010 08:01 pm