What Do Chronoliths Do in Final Fantasy XVI
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What Do Chronoliths Do in Final Fantasy XVI?

As you go through Final Fantasy XVI, youā€™ll find slabs in out-of-the-way locations called Chronoliths that resemble the Arete Stone at the hideaway. However, you wonā€™t be able to do anything with them. This is something that will continue for the longest time. In fact, I didnā€™t get to use one until I found The Hand of Rhea during the ā€œFootfalls in Ashā€ mainline Final Fantasy XVI mission in The Kingdom of Waloed. Basically, theyā€™re another way to challenge yourself for rewards.

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How does a Chronolith work in Final Fantasy XVI and how do I use one?

Okay, so, the tutorial that goes over how to use a Chronolith in Final Fantasy XVI doesnā€™t come up until you reach The Hand of Rhea in The Kingdom of Waloed near the end of the game. Youā€™ll find it near the Angry Gap area of the map, just before Rikmalā€™s Roost. I marked it in the screenshot of the map below. The easiest way to reach it is to stop there while going through ā€œFootfalls in Ashā€ and exploring Waloed for the first time.

What Do Chronoliths Do in Final Fantasy XVI

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Donā€™t forget to grab Masamune from the chest next to The Hand of Rhea, even though itā€™s weaker than your Ragnarok sword.

At each Chronolith, Clive will go in and fight alone over multiple stages. You only have access to one Eikon. Your goal is to complete every stage before time runs out, with certain actions awarding you more time as you battle.

What Do Chronoliths Do in Final Fantasy XVI

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So how does the first Chronolith called The Hand of Rhea work in Final Fantasy XVI

This is a Shiva challenge! You need to go through three stages, each with three parts that add more waves of enemies. You start with 01:20.000 to get through all of it. However, you can earn additional time for certain actions. For example, there are Battle Technique Bonuses for 12 Collateral Mesmerize. So Stage 1-1 through 1.3 all featured level 38 opponents, with Icebound Wraiths, Icebound Bugs, and an Icebound Jelly as some notable foes. At the end, you see a summary showing your bonus total, current time remaining, and any other bonuses. For example, I got 20 seconds as a Clear Bonus after 1-1, and an additional 10 seconds as a No Damage Bonus.

Stages 2-1 through 2-3 featured enemies like an Icebound Mugger, Icebound Bluebird, Icebound Adamantoise, and Icebound Fanatic. Now, again, I was at level 43 when I took this challenge on. By the end of Stage 2, I had 03:19.317 time remaining. Stages 3-1 through 3-3 feature some tougher level 38 enemies, like Icebound Wivre, Icebound Scorpion, Icebound Bighorn, and Icebound Lich. However, going into the final fight I still earned 04:46.572 to handle it.

The Final Stage of The Hand of Rhea Trial by Ice Chronolith in Final Fantasy XVI is bascially a boss fight. The Trial Proctor for the challenge is an Icebound Necrophobe. Expect it to use magic spells like Enfiraga and Enblizzaga.

Winning gets you multiple rewards. Right away you will get 1,500 EXP and The Will of Ice accessory. That accessory makes Shivaā€™s Diamond Dust Eikonic Ability deal 10% more damage. Youā€™ll also unlock the Final Trial difficulty for this trial at the Arete Stone at the hideaway.

Final Fantasy XVI is available for the PlayStation 5. A demo is available as well. There is a six-month exclusivity period.

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