What Do Japanese Players Think Of Dissidia Final Fantasy?

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During Square Enix’s recent location test report for Dissidia Final Fantasy on arcade, we got a first look at two new characters in Squall and Bartz. Here’s a breakdown of some of the topics that were discussed during the stream.



Since starting the location test, Square Enix have asked questions to players at the location test events, various websites, Twitter, and forums, to get feedback on Dissidia Final Fantasy. Here’s some of the user data gathered by the developers.



The left graph shows the age demographic, with people in their early 20s making up the majority of players, followed by those in their early 30s. As far as gender goes, it’s 82% male players and 18% female players.



The next part shows arcade visit frequency, with 56% of the players saying they visit often, while 28% say they don’t go as often, and 16% went for the first time. The graph on the right shows that 78% of the players have played a Dissidia game before, while 22% are new to the series.



As far as player satisfaction goes, the left chart shows that 57% thought it was “very fun”, while 39% thought it was just “fun”. 3% felt it was boring while 1% felt that it was very boring. When asked whether they’d play it after launch, 70% say definitely, 29% say that they’d like to try it some more, and 1% say that they will not.


As far as post-launch expectations go, here’s what players hope to see in the full version of the game, in the order that it is written on the chart:



  • Additional characters
  • Additional costumes
  • Balance adjustments
  • Additional stages
  • Additional Summoned Beasts
  • In-game events and campaigns
  • Official events and official tournaments
  • Collaborations with other titles



Finally, here’s a look at the characters used and their percentage. Both lists have the character names in the following order:


  • Warrior of Light
  • Onion Knight
  • Terra
  • Cloud
  • Lightning
  • Y’shtola


Interestingly, as you can see, the character selection appears to be pretty well-balanced. The chart to the right shows the percentage of which Battle Set styles were used most for the characters, and it appears that most people just left it as A for the more default setup.


In the following segment, they shared some of the popular feedback topics that Square Enix will look into making adjustments for, as needed. Here’s are some of the ones they’re taking into consideration:


  • The lock-on targeting system is difficult to use.


  • I’d like to be able to customize my button input scheme.


  • I never have the chance to chat during battles!


  • There are so many things going on, and I can’t keep track of it all.


  • Doesn’t the mobility feel a little slow?


  • HP Attacks feel lacking!


  • What happened to temporary moment of invulnerability after being hit? (Square Enix say that it’ll be adjusted later, but for now, it’s different as part of its “beta” version)


  • I get beat up really fast and lose before I know it.


  • Holy Chain is way too strong!


  • Will there be voice chat? (Square Enix say that they’ll have Taito look into this feature)


  • I’d like to freely be able to choose the battle BGM!


Dissidia Final Fantasy is in development for arcades.

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