Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a massive JRPG with several different chapters for players to play through. But like with a lot of experiences these days, there comes the point of no return in FFVII Rebirth. Players should know about when exactly this moment happens, so they can prepare accordingly for the final portion of the game.

Point of No Return in FFVII Rebirth, Explained
I will do my best to avoid unnecessary spoilers, but know that there are some light spoilers ahead for the experience so turn away now if you don’t want any at all. With that in mind, there are actually two distinct points of no return. This is because they lock you out of certain content depending on the moment you are at.
The first happens in Chapter 12 when you go back to the Gold Saucer. Thankfully, the game warns you about this ahead of time. This is because Cait Sith will leave the party at this point so any content regarding him is not possible to complete after. That said, you can still do other side content. The true point of no return, though, happens in Chapter 13 when you are in the Tiny Bronco.

How Chapter Select and New Game+ Works
Regardless of the point of no return in FFVII Rebirth, not all hope is lost. There are a couple of features built into the JRPG to help you out with completing unfinished content. For one, there is the Chapter Select feature. Even if you go past the point of no return, you can always switch to a previous chapter and complete what you didn’t previously do then.
In addition, New Game+ is excellent. Once you pass the point of no return, I highly recommend just completing the entire game. This allows you to go back and easily revisit any side quests, Gold Saucer scenes, and the like you missed out on before without losing the progress you already did.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available right now for PS5 and PC.
Published: Jan 27, 2025 03:45 pm