After you complete the Junon Region Chocobo Intel quest and get access to Belle, you can help Gabe fix his wagon and unlock fast travel back to the Grasslands region in FFVII Rebirth by finding the Wainright Parts “Stuck in a Rut” questline. However, the map Freddie gives you isn’t very accurate, so here’s a faster way to find all three items.
Where do I find the Wainright Parts for “Stuck in a Rut” in FFVII Rebirth?
So first, you need to visit Gabe to get the “Stuck in a Rut” sidequest. He’s at the Junon Region Chocobo ranch, which I circled in the screenshot below:

After that and Aerith convinces you to help out, head to Freddie the Wainright to find out he needs parts and get his map. He’s right here in the spot I circled on the world map below. Once you’ve been here once, it unlocks as a fast travel point, which is very handy. He’ll tell you the three parts he needs and give you his poorly drawn map of where each one is.

The first part can be found just north of where you caught Belle the Chocobo. You’ll need to be riding her to find these parts, so head to this spot on the map. When you do, you should see the orange question mark indicator that suggests you press up on the D-pad to have her sniff out treasure. It will be around a cluster of materials you can gather at the point I marked below.

The second Wainright Parts you’ll find in FFVII Rebirth are slightly to the northeast of the first ones among the ruins of what might have been an old Junon Region village. Head to the spot I circled. The item is buried behind a tree and next to the remains of a house. You might need to adjust Belle’s position to get a good view and get to it.

For the third ones, you’ll need to head to the old factory area I marked on the map below. Some Fleetwing enemies will be roaming around here, so you’ll have to fight those before you can walk Belle over to sniff out the final parts and dig them up.

Fast travel back to the home of Freddie the Wainright and give him all three parts to start clearing out this FFVII Rebirth quest. He’ll use them to make a carriage bed, carriage brace, and carriage wheel. You then need to fast travel to Gabe’s Chocobo ranch to give him the parts, and unlock his Chocobo carriage to allow you to fast travel between the Grasslands and Junon region Chocobo ranches. You’ll also improve your relationship with Aerith and get 10 Condor Cedar pieces, 10 Mellow Oak pieces, and a Queensguard Bangle for your trouble.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available on the PS5, with the exclusivity arrangement ending on May 29, 2024.
Published: Feb 29, 2024 04:10 am