Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has some tough and annoying side quests, but this Costa del Sol one sticks out to us a lot. This quest tasks players with finding six different wheelies and returning them to their rightful locations. Here are the locations for all of the Costa del Sol Wheelies in FFVII Rebirth.

All Costa del Sol Yellow Wheelies Locations

The Wheelies are divided up into three different color groups: yellow, blue, and red. You must find and return them to the correct color group for them to count. There are two of each color for a grand total of six to find. The yellow group is one of the easiest. You can reference the map above for the spots of both yellow Wheelies (marked by the yellow #1 and #2) and the location to return it (marked with a yellow X).

- Yellow Wheelie #1: By the northwestern changing booth.
- Yellow Wheelie #2: Near the Wild Run minigame.

All FFVII Rebirth Costa del Sol Blue Wheelies Locations
The blue Wheelies are some of the easiest to find in Costa del Sol due to their close proximity to the return spot. As always, look for the two Wheelies with their numbers in the original map screenshot at the top. Reference it with the two locations of these Wheelies below and where you need to return it (marked by the blue X).

- Blue Wheelie #1: Just outside of The Royal Coast hotel.
- Blue Wheelie #2: By the northern hotel and south of the pirate minigame.

All Costa del Sol Red Wheelies Locations
The red Wheelies are by far the hardest ones to find in this FFVII Rebirth Costa del Sol side quest. They are super far from their original returning point so pay careful attention to the map at the very top. As always, the return spot is marked by a red X. On the other hand, the two Wheelies are marked red numbers.

- Red Wheelie #1: Just outside of the entrance to The Royal Coast hotel.
- Red Wheele #2: Far north near the Queen’s Blood player, northern hotel, and southwest of the pirate minigame. Also slightly northeast of the changing booth.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available right now exclusively for PS5.
Published: Feb 29, 2024 07:20 am