World of Warcraft The War Within will have you play through an introduction before you start the expansion proper. This guide will break down all of the steps needed to begin The War Within, whether you’re caught up or jumping back in after an extended break.

Where to Start World of Warcraft The War Within
If you have purchased The War Within expansion, once it has gone live on August 26, 2024 you will receive a notification that you will have access to the expansion. If you have not received this notification in-game, then you will need to buy The War Within on
If you have purchased The War Within, you will receive an in-game pop-up that will let you know that you own the expansion, and can therefore start it properly. (If you purchased the Epic Edition, you could start the expansion in Early Access on August 23, 2024.)
Before The War Within released, Blizzard introduced a series of quests leading up to the expansion. Players will have needed to complete “The War Within” in order to actually access the expansion, outside of purchasing it. If this quest is not coming up, your character must be Level 70 in order to accept. From there, check your Journal and look for the quest “The War Within.”

Use the scroll by clicking the icon attached to the quest to teleport to Silithus and talk to Jaina Proudmoore or Thrall, depending on your faction. If quest markers aren’t appearing, open your Map and Navigate to your Map Filter and make sure “Low-Level Quests” is checked. If your character is above Level 70 for whatever reason, it will not show you relevant quest markers.
Once you head back to Dalaran to complete “The War Within,” pick up “The Bronzebeard Family,” by speaking to Moira. You’ll be tasked with finding Dagran, who is found at the Dalaran Visitor Center. Speak to him and head back to Moira. This will begin the quest “A Mysterious Warning.”
This is when the introduction to The War Within actually begins. A short cutscene will play after speaking to Khadgar. From there you will have to go through a series of quests in Dalaran before gaining access to the new zone. Once you hit the quest “To Khaz Algar!” you’ll just about be done with the introduction.
World of Warcraft and The War Within expansion are available for PC.
Published: Aug 26, 2024 02:45 pm