Which Support Pokémon Would You Like To See In Pokkén Tournament?

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

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Support Pokémon in Pokkén Tournament are characters that you can call out for help during fights. So far, we’ve seen the likes of Fennekin and Lapras, and now the developers are asking fans which one they should add next through a Twitter campaign.



The steps are simple. Follow the Pokkén Tournament official Twitter account. Then tweet using the hashtag “#ポッ拳”(#Pokkén in Japanese) followed by the name of a Pokémon you’d like to see as a support character.


Keep in mind, that it’d probably work best if you type in the Japanese name, which you can find by looking up your Pokémon on Bulbapedia and other websites. The campaign will go on until July 23rd.


Pokkén Tournament is in development for arcade. The game is being considered for a Western release.

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