Acquiring a powerful magical grimoire will make life difficult for the budding sorceresses of Witch Thief, as they’ll have to dodge through complex shot arrays in full 3D if they hope to have a chance to get it.
Witch Thief gives players control of a 3D camera in full 3D maps as enemies blast away at them, giving them a great deal of freedom to move and look around for any safe spot they can find amongst the bullets. A single shot is lethal for the witch heroines of the game, so players will need to be on the lookout from all angles if they want to survive.
Various witches can be unlocked to use throughout the game, each with their own special spells, bosses, and dialogue that will change the story of the quest to reach the grimoire. Many of these can be unlocked by completing the game, so players will have to learn the bullet arrays well if they wish to see more of the game’s story.
Witch Thief, despite its challenging play style, means to open itself up to more players through accessibility options. Players can rebind keys, play on a mode that is friendly to the colorblind, use dyslexic fonts, and various difficulty modes to suit the player’s style.
An early build of Witch Thief is available now on, and players can wishlist the future release of the game through Steam.
Published: Nov 17, 2017 02:00 pm