Back in June 2014, Sekai Project began a World End Economica complete edition Kickstarter to ensure all three episodes of the Spicy Tails and Isuna Hasekura visual novel. Now, the latest Kickstarter update has provided details on how the console and handheld port is going, while also noting people who backed the project and chose a PlayStation Vita version will be able to swap to a different platform.
The last part of that update might have provided an initial scare, as Sekai Project’s update only noted, “Backers who got the PSVita version will have the opportunity to switch to other platforms.” However, in a follow-up comment, it noted, “We’re still planning PSVita releases, but we’re also offering backers to switch to other platforms. We can’t guarantee a physical release for PSVita though.”
In other news, the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita World End Economica ports now use the latest version of Unity and are being finished. Platform-specific requirements will come once those are done, then it will enter quality and assurance testing. After that, the games will be submitted to Nintendo and Sony.
Back in June 2019, Sekai Project noted that the World End Economica Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita version had a Winter 2019 release window. It is immediately available on PCs. Apple iOS ports are also planned. No update has been issued regarding physical rewards, though Sekai Project promised news would be coming via its Kickstarter in December 2018.
Published: Jul 1, 2019 10:30 am