A Message For The Siliconera Community

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

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As everyone is aware, in just a day from now, we’re going to be bang in the middle of E3. For many of us, this is the equivalent of a birthday and Christmas both rolled into one. Developers from the world over will convene to show us the very best they have to offer, and sites like ours will update all day long to keep up with the torrent of news and impressions and interviews we gather from the show floor. It’ll be magical (hopefully).


As we go into E3 week, I’d like to remind everyone of the need to remain respectful throughout the event and beyond. One of the nicer things about Siliconera is that we have a fairly decent community in comparison to a lot of other websites on the Internet, and our hope is that it will get even better in time. In order to help achieve this goal, we’ve started to reach out to members of the community to help keep things on track by making sure that our readers feel welcome and respected.


I’d like to introduce two of our new moderators from within the community today—DrakosAmatras, who some of you know has been contributing to the site for a while now, and M’iau M’iaut, who is one of the oldest community members. M’iau was spearheading discussions in the comments before I even joined the site as a member of staff. From now on, they’ll be watching the comments, making sure no one feels threatened or insulted, keeping the trolls away, and trying to “keep things clean”. I hope you’ll give them the same respect that you give other members of our staff, and lend them your support in maintaining a healthy community.


This is also a good time to remind everyone of our site rules. Please give these a good read and try to stick to them:


  1. Read before you write: If you’re glossing over a post in a hurry, that’s fine. If you intend to enter the discussion, make sure to read the full post properly.

  2. Think before you write: What you say and post on the site has an impact. Comments that generate discussion are highly encouraged. On that note, flaming is in no way constructive, and should be avoided.

  3. Don’t clog the comments with console requests: We’re sorry that "super awesome game X" isn’t available for a specific console, but spamming the comments with "why isn’t this for NeoGeo Pocket" isn’t going to make it happen. Each console, in every generation, has exclusive titles and also misses out on select games. Try to enjoy what you have!

  4. Cogitate, then criticize: We get that not everything is going to be your cup of tea and you have every right to voice your disdain on Siliconera. We ask that you elaborate your point when doing so. Subtle trolling and snarky remarks about how you hate a developer aren’t going to cut it. Don’t repeat your argument every time a certain topic or game comes up either. If you articulated your point well the first time, you won’t have to!

  5. Keep an open mind: Siliconera covers a wide variety of titles and we realize not every game is going to click with every reader. Don’t care for a particular game? OK, cool, but there’s no need to ridicule others for enjoying it


That’s all for now. If you guys have any questions, ask away in the comments and we’ll be more than happy to answer them. AND LET THE E3 FESTIVITIES BEGIN!

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