Chaotic Gore Magala, Risen Kushala Daora, and Risen Teostra Head to Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Chaotic Gore Magala, Risen Kushala Daora, and Risen Teostra Head to Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

As part of the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Title Update 3 announcements, Chaotic Gore Magala, Risen Kushala Daora, and Risen Teostra appeared. These three new variants of existing monsters will all show up in-game once someone gets the patch. Each one features its own unique properties, making them a greater challenge.

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The Chaotic Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak features Gore and Shagaru traits. This state comes about when it is shedding to become Shagaru Magala, but it fails. According to the video, this state is said to be “agonizing.” People can start fighting it after they hit Master Rank 10.

As noted by the “risen” in their names, both Risen Kushala Daora and Risen Teostra are more powerful than usual in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Each one enters the state when enraged. People will need to spend a lot of time hunting before they can reach either. Capcom’s announcement confirmed the new version of Kushala Daora appears at Master Rank 120. The new version of Teostra doesn’t show up until Master Rank 140.

Here’s the video showing them off:

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is available for the Nintendo Switch and PC. The Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Title Update 3 release date is November 24, 2022.

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