Does Aerith live in FFVII Rebirth
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Does Aerith Die in FFVII Rebirth?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second remake in a trilogy and we already knew before its release the game would end somewhere around the fateful events of the Forgotten Capital. This may leave some players wondering, “Does Aerith die in FFVII Rebirth?”

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Does Aerith die in FFVII Rebirth
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So does Aerith die in FFVII Rebirth?

Note: Spoilers lie ahead for the most important part of this entire game.

I need to give you another warning here. I am about to spoil the entire ending of FFVII Rebirth, so please turn away now if you have not played the original, know what happens at the Forgotten Capital, and don’t want to know the ending of this game. If you are still here, this is the answer about if Aerith dies again in this remake.

The answer is actually a bit more complicated than you might think. Overall, I would say Aerith does technically die in this game, but it isn’t clear cut at all. In fact, I would say it is similar to the Schrödinger’s Cat conundrum where she is both alive and dead at the same time. This is due to the reunion of the worlds that Sephiroth seemingly makes happen at the end.

This also allows Cloud to see multiple timelines at once. This includes the original timeline where she dies as always, but also another one where he gets there in time and saves her from Sephiroth’s onslaught. It is all the more confusing when you have scenes showing you fighting alongside Aerith, but then followed by everyone but Cloud mourning her loss. As such, I think there is a chance Aerith is dead in the main timeline, but alive elsewhere.

Does Aerith die in FFVII Rebirth
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Will Aerith return in the third part of the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy?

The question from here is what happens to Aerith now? I believe, based on what we have seen so far, Aerith will actually return in the third game. I think she’ll have a role similar to Zack as a possible playable character, but in an alternate world or timeline. I believe the main timeline players will spend most of their time in will have her dead.

However, there will be moments where you play as or see Aerith alive elsewhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if she teams up with Zack in that alternate world, either. This could culminate in her ultimately living in the end, but we will have to wait and see for now.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available right now exclusively for PS5.

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