Ever17 Director’s Root Double: Before Crime * After Days Getting Localized

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

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Remember Root Double: Before Crime * After Days? Probably not, but don’t worry—we covered it way back in 2010, so we have all the details ready. First off, though, it’s being given a localized release by Sekai Project.


Moving on, Root Double: Before Crime * After Days is a visual novel by Takumi Nakazawa, the director of Ever17, developed in collaboration with Yeti/Regista. It’s a sci-fi/suspense game that takes place in September 2030 AD in a giant research hub.


In the game, research is the heart of the city, and people living inside the hub cannot interact with those outside without the government’s approval. In exchange for giving up their privacy and communication privileges, they are provided with tax exemptions, medical care, and more. This environment is considered particularly conducive to researchers that wish to focus on their work.


The game begins when an accident occurs at a research institute at the edge of town, called LABO. Root Double has two routes and a number of protagonists. If you want more details, you can find them here.


Sekai Project are localizing a version of the game titled Root Double: Before Crime * After Days Extend Edition. We’ll have more details as they are announced.

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