Final Fantasy XIV has a pretty unique way of obtaining a Free Company or personal estate these days. Rather than the old system of buying directly, players place a bid for a chance to own a home in-game. This entire system banks on the rotating FFXIV housing lottery schedule, which may be a bit confusing.

FFXIV Housing Lottery Schedule
Here is the current housing lottery schedule players should know to follow as of the start of January 2024. This includes everything we know about how the time periods will work for the next month or so in FFXIV.
- January 1-6, 2024: First bidding period of the month is available
- January 6-10, 2024: Bidding period concludes and results are given
- Bidding resumes: January 10-15, 2024
- Results: January 15-19, 2024
- Bidding resumes: January 19-24, 2024
- Results: January 24-28, 2024
- Bidding resumes: January 28-February 2, 2024
- Results: February 2-6, 2024
We should note that each cycle of the process comes to a close at around 9:59 am ET on those respective dates.

How to Bid on a House
The key here for any aspiring Eorzea home owner is to wait until the bidding period begins. While this is active, head to the plot you want to own and make sure you have the correct amount of Gil. Interact with the little placard in front of the empty plot of land to bid on it and fork over the cash. Just make sure to do so in a ward where it is available to you. Some wards are only for Free Company houses, while others are for them and private buyers alike.
You will also be able to see how many people have bid on the house so far, so you know your chances. Once the results period arrives, you can head to the house to see if you won. If you lost, interact with the placard again to regain your cash and try somewhere else. Good luck! My best tip for you is to wait until the final day or two of the bidding period to have a more accurate idea of your chances.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PS4, PS5, and PC. It will also release for Xbox Series X/S in open beta in February 2024.
Published: Jan 17, 2024 12:45 pm