The Final Fantasy XI mobile version, titled Final Fantasy XI R, has officially been canceled. Rumors circulated about the status of the game in December 2020, which suggested that development had entirely halted on the project. However, a report from Japanese news outlet GameBiz confirmed that the project has been canceled. [Thanks, GameBiz!]
A report from Nexon, the developers of the now canceled Final Fantasy XI R mobile title, said that the title had been canceled in February 2021. It was in joint development between Nexon and Square Enix. However, amidst rumors Square Enix had not provided any clarification regarding the development of the title.
In 2015, Square Enix announced that a Final Fantasy XI mobile version was in development. Subsequent updates followed, detailing plans for the game. This included a look at how combat would function, among other updated visuals. However, updates regarding the development of the title became scarce shortly after 2018.
In December 2020, Nexon released a statement that was covered by Korean news outlet MTN that stated that development on the project had halted. This report included development details regarding the game, which indicated that development on Final Fantasy XI R was not going a smoothly as planned.
Final Fantasy XI R was in development for Android and iOS devices, and Nexon and Square Enix canceled it.
Published: Mar 23, 2021 09:00 am