As an early access game, Palworld has a few bugs across platforms such as constant crashing, inconsistent frame rate, and other game anomalies. One problem players have run into is their Pals refusing to eat when offline. Although there is no official patch to fix this issue as of yet, there are ways to circumvent it. Here is how to fix Pals not eating when offline in Palworld.

How Do I Prevent Starving Pals in Palworld?

Different ailments can afflict Pals with effects that are detrimental to their performance when they don’t eat. The Pals are susceptible to depression, sickness, and starvation as their health reduces to zero. To avoid these issues, Pals usually eat food stored in a Foodbox at a player’s base.
As Pals freely roam the base, they can get caught on the many structures you have built. The best practice to avoid Pal starvation is to not overcrowd your base with an abundance of buildings if possible. This leads to Pals not getting access to food and other necessities such as their sleeping pallets.

Similar to food, Pals need sleep to avoid status ailments as well to restore health. When building your base, try to keep the Foodbox and sleeping pallets far from other structures with a clear path towards them. Food that is placed inside of the Foodbox matters when it pertains to the status of Pals on the base.
Food that is uncooked like eggs, red berries, milk, and wheat are not as effective as prepared meals. Placing cooked items in Foodboxes increases the amount of SAN recovered. SAN is a sanity meter that increases the chance of your Pal contracting an ailment. For instance, baked red berries increase the SAN meter by one as opposed to zero by raw red berries.

Assigning the right Pals to a base also matters in maintaining healthy SAN levels and Pals. Pals require a certain amount of food to satiate their hunger. This is indicated by the Food bar on a Pal’s information page. The lower the food requirement, the easier it is to keep a sufficient amount of food in the Foodbox for Pals. Having Pals with lower appetites will help you maintain hunger levels and avoid status ailments, and starvation, for your Pals.
As part of the Sakurajima Island update, Pocketpair introduced new materials, Pals, and an area to explore in Palworld. Play is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
Published: Jul 30, 2024 06:45 pm