LovePlus + Dated For June 24th, Now With More Intimacy!

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Konami’s incremental update to LovePlus is coming to Japan this June 24th as both a standalone game as well as three themed DSi XL bundles. While details surrounding the improvements and new features in LovePlus + have been rather scarce since the time of its reveal, Famitsu were recently allowed to pull the lid off the game and give us some interesting insight into just what it contains.


To begin with, LovePlus + features the standard improvements any well-informed fan would expect of it: new hairstyles, new hair colours, new clothes and so on. However, the single-most significant addition is the ability to get more personal with your in-game girlfriend.


First up are the vacation trips. Every three months, you’ll have a chance to go on a two-day holiday trip with your kanojo (I’m not going to keep typing “girlfriend”…it’s embarrassing), the events of which will be affected by your e-mail and verbal communication prior to the trip. During vacations, once the clock strikes midnight, the game goes into “rest mode,” which is essentially bedtime. Your kanojo (okay, this is equally embarrassing…) then gets into bed next to you and falls asleep. However, you have ability to wake her up by speaking into the DS microphone, should you get lonely.


Other features that allow for a deeper relationship are the ability to visit your girlfriend’s home when she catches a cold (aka the perfect hentai setup), the reverse situation, and — wait for it — the ability to get into fights with her. Famitsu emphasize that you’ll need to tackle the situation tactfully or you’ll end up ticking her off even more.


As revealed previously by Konami, you’ll also be able to transfer your LovePlus save data to LovePlus +, essentially allowing you to “take your relationship to the next level.”

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