When the Metal Gear Anniversary Collection was announced for a Japanese only release, many fans from around the world were in awe to know that such a collection would never be released in their side of the world, namely here in the United States. That, however, may not be the case anymore, even if it is a small glimmer.
Kotaku’s Michael McWhertor questioned Anthony Kraus, Konami of America’s marketing VP, about the possibility of this “Japan only” Metal Gear Solid Anniversary collection coming stateside to which Kraus responded with Konami of America “considering it”. Should the collection be released stateside, its packaging would be very similar to its Japanese packaging.
So what exactly does this mean? Well perhaps from that cliffhanger, those of you who are either diehard MGS fans or just in love with the package should show your support for such a package to come Stateside by emailing Konami of America and insisting that this package come here. No matter what the cost, show Konami of America you want this collection to come Stateside.
Published: Jul 29, 2007 02:00 am