More Previous Mega Man Titles Might Be Headed To Nintendo 3DS

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Mega Man’s 25th anniversary celebration will last a while—a year, according to Capcom USA, who kicked things off by announcing the release of Street Fighter X Mega Man and the release of the NES Mega Man games on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console.


Siliconera got in touch with Capcom’s Senior Community Manager, Brett Elston, who’s one of the company’s more vocal Mega Man proponents, and asked if there were plans for something beyond just Virtual Console releases—like, say, a “3D Classics” update, similar to what Nintendo have done with games like Kirby’s Adventure, Xevious and the original Kid Icarus.


“A great idea, and one I’ve brought up before,” Elston replied. “It’s just something both Capcom Japan and Nintendo would have to collaborate on. Never say never, but no official word at the moment.”


It should be noted that Nintendo aren’t the only ones doing 3D updates of retro games. Sega recently announced a 3D update of Space Harrier, which is being released in Japan this December.


Meanwhile, on the Capcom forums, Senior VP, Christian Svensson, says that he isn’t aware of any further upcoming Mega Man releases on the Wii Virtual Console, but does hope to see more releases on the Nintendo 3DS front, based on feedback from Capcom’s fans.


“I’m hoping the [Capcom online games] group is looking at 3DS stuff though,” Svensson said in reply to a forum user. “We’ve made some requests for a few things to be explored based upon feedback here. We’ll see what happens.”


What has the Capcom community been asking for? One forum thread involved requests for the NES games—which is already happening—and the Mega Man Xtreme titles for Game Boy Color. Another asked for the release of Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

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