Volume 2 of Capcom’s internally-conducted developer interviews features Motohide Eshiro, producer on games such as Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Okamiden.
Eshiro first joined Capcom in 1990 and was a programmer on Street Fighter II. He then went on to direct Onimusha 2.
In a talk discussing Okamiden, Eshiro says that something he’s seen from a lot of fans are requests for an iPhone or iPad port of Okamiden, given the game’s emphasis on touch-based control.
“A lot of fans have indicated they would like to see an iPhone or iPad port of Okamiden, which would allow players to draw directly on the touchscreen like the Nintendo DS,” Eshiro reveals. “While we are happy to see fans tell us what they’d like to have done with the game, we can’t really consider these options until after the release of Nintendo DS version.”
Okamiden released this past week in Japan. Now that Eshiro’s team is more or less done with the game — localization work notwithstanding — perhaps they’re now thinking of how to optimize Okamiden for an iDevice?
Published: Oct 1, 2010 09:34 am