Dengeki magazine brings a preview of Pokémon Black/White 2 this week, just ahead of the games’ release this Saturday in Japan. Among the details mentioned in Dengeki are a couple of early areas like Aspertia City, Tachiwaki City and Sangi Town, as reported by Pokébeach.
As you may recall, Aspertia City is the starting town in Black/White 2. Cheren, who returns from the first game, runs a gym here, which serves as a trainer school. Following Aspertia City are is Route 19, which leads to Sangi Town.
Route 20 separates Sangi Town from Sangi Farm, where you face your rival for the first time.
East of Route 20 is Tachiwaki City, where you fight the new Poison-type gym leader, Homika. In the Tachiwaki Complex, you’ll come across Pokémon like Pidove, Magby/Elekid (depending on the game version), Growlithe, Audino, Magnemite and Koffing. Tachiwaki is also where you first fight Team Plasma. In Black/White 2, Team Plasma have separated into two factions—one which wants to conquer the world, and one which sides with N.
Additionally, Dengeki also confirm that the Pokédex now lets you see what Pokémon can be found on what routes.
Published: Jun 20, 2012 11:01 am