Retro open-world game parody, Retro City Rampage, which recently added PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita to its list of platforms, will support cross-platform saves on the two Sony devices. You’ll be able to save your status on one system and resume on the other.
In addition to this, designer, Brian Provinciano, also added two custom screen modes to the Vita version. The standard Vita-specific mode scales up all the art and makes it so that the characters and everything else are easy to see on the small screen. The second mode, which is 16:9, displays the full widescreen image without scaling anything up, and also supports the TV or arcade screen borders from the PlayStation 3 version.
Retro City Rampage is complete and is undergoing bug-fixing at the moment. The game is slated for release on the PC, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and WiiWare. You can see the PlayStation Vita version running in the video below:
Published: May 22, 2012 10:30 am